Three Ways To Mess Up Social Engagement

For many companies social engagement can be a challenge. Companies often think of social media as a way to broadcast their sales and products like using a mega phone. What companies don’t realize is that it’s more of an optional conversation between the company and current/potential consumers. Here are three ways companies mess up social…

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Is Content Marketing Worth The Hastle?

In recent years digital marketing has undergone a transformation with content marketing becoming an increasingly important means to create a brand online. Like any other field, online marketing is rapidly developing into some directions and out of others, leaving some outdated practices. Many deny the idea that “content is king” but several very reputable studies…

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Choosing Your Social Media Profiles

If you’re thinking of doing more with your social media campaign or just starting one you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed with all the different types of social media sites. Don’t panic we’ve broken down to help you figure out which is best for you. Your Blog This is basically like your kitchen. You can…

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